Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Sleepover

“Hey, Grandma. Can I have a sleepover?” 

“Sure!” she said. 

“Yessssss!” My cousin and I high-fived each other and we jumped up and down. 

It got late. My mom set up the air mattress. We ate popcorn, cheese, and crackers as we watched a movie.  Even though the movie ended, we couldn’t go to sleep. So we watched TV instead. 

“Knock, knock,” I said when a commercial came on.
“Who’s there,” said my cousin. 


“Rich who?”

“Why aren’t you rich?” I giggled. 

My cousin laughed and laughed. 

After a while, lack of sleep made my cousin cranky, and he turned off the TV. Eventually, we fell asleep.

Posted by: Jericho

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