Thursday, February 21, 2013

An Awesome Christmas!

It was 9:30 pm on Christmas Eve.  I was so excited that tomorrow was Christmas.  I was going to go to my Gram’s house to get presents! My mom said it was time for bed, so Ellie and I rushed upstairs.  My mom was downstairs watching a movie near the Christmas tree.  When I woke up I ran downstairs.  My mom and my sister were still in their pajamas.  We opened gifts.  I got a GPS unit, which is a worldwide website game, to go geo-caching.  After we opened all our Christmas presents, we went to my Gram’s house.  We ate huge chocolate chip cookies and opened more presents.  The best gift I got was a microscope.  Next, we left Gram’s my dad and I went geo-caching.  We found two geo-caches.  It was fun!  This was an awesome Christmas!
 Posted by: Skateboard Dude

Raphael's Great Day!

The greatest day of my life happened just a year or two ago.  My mom was feeling extra nice so we had pizza for dinner.  We ordered a pepperoni pizza from Domino’s.  It was delicious!  But that wasn’t all.  For dessert we had chocolate fudge with ice cream in the middle.  It came from Frisch’s.  It was awesome.  I had never had it before.  After we ate, mom and I watched Men in Black 3 … MIB3 for short.  While we watched we had snacks like Fruit Loops, Gusher’s, sweet popcorn, and sweet tarts. 
This was the greatest day of my life because mom never lets me have so many treats.  It was a reward for having a lot of good days in a row at school.  The next day mom took me fishing.  It was fun, but not as good as the greatest day.   
Posted by: Raphael

My Memorable Birthday

It was summer, one day after my 7th birthday.  My cousin John and I were outside playing with the games I got for birthday gifts. I fell down on the grass, and I heard a crunch.  My arm hurt so badly.  It felt like I had fallen down on hard concrete, even though I was in the grass.  I started to sob and wail and cry.
My dad ran over to me and picked me up and ran me right inside the house. He covered me up with a soft blanket. I stayed awake for a little while to watch TV and say bye to my Cousin.  Then I fell right to sleep. 
The next day my arm was still feeling horrible so mom and dad took me to the hospital to get my arm x-rayed.  It was broken!  They put a blue cast on my arm.  Lots of friends signed it.  The cast was very annoying because it went all the way over my elbow to all the way over my hand and thumb.  Sometimes I would have an itch that I couldn’t reach under the cast. 
I was so happy to have the cast off, but it felt weird.  I hope I never break my arm again.

Posted by: Gingerbread girl

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Sleepover

“Hey, Grandma. Can I have a sleepover?” 

“Sure!” she said. 

“Yessssss!” My cousin and I high-fived each other and we jumped up and down. 

It got late. My mom set up the air mattress. We ate popcorn, cheese, and crackers as we watched a movie.  Even though the movie ended, we couldn’t go to sleep. So we watched TV instead. 

“Knock, knock,” I said when a commercial came on.
“Who’s there,” said my cousin. 


“Rich who?”

“Why aren’t you rich?” I giggled. 

My cousin laughed and laughed. 

After a while, lack of sleep made my cousin cranky, and he turned off the TV. Eventually, we fell asleep.

Posted by: Jericho